Friday, November 1, 2013

The Weekend

I feel so rejuvenated right now, finally got to rest an ample amount of time last night, with no distractions or waking up, 8 hours of constant rest. Been an eventful last 4-5 days around the house, with my Grandma and Grandpa getting older, and realizing the decline they are partaking in. It is a tough environment, but it has its moments and I really do care about them, so I try to take their complaining, with a grain of salt, and just remind myself it's their ailments talking. Did a nice walk around my street for about 30 minutes while the weather is still not too hot. Miss my pancake though. 

Want to finish some work for my Grandfather today, so he can make a little money and that will give him some temporary relief.

Hope though this afternoon I could get some writing done, been working on something for my brother Jack, while he is here, we talked about it in person yesterday quite a bit, it is like a post-apocalyptic story about a band of kids living in a world where every adult over 18 has disappeared. So much fun to write and stuff, I'm mixing like Mad Maxx, with Warren Ellis tech and imagination details, and topping it off with a Boondocks-like political/visual vibe. Excited to see it come to life.

Read lyrics through a song I liked and I band's music I really do enjoy, the World Inferno Friendship Society, the self named "Punk Orchestra." But one lyric annoyed from this song "Ich Errinere Mich An Weimar Republik." The line is, "Socialists are Boring." O man that is far from the truth, and it hurts me in the feels haha. Whatever the song is referencing, period or history, but man, people on the left invented fun. Than I watched in a live acoustic performance video of them, and how apolitical they are, telling Euros that they are from Canada because they don't want to talk about American politics (But don't even know the Prime Minister of Canada, which is of course Stephen Harper) Sad stuff, but hey, I guess know what they represent as artists and don't pretend to be anything they are not (I guess...). Here's the video I am referring to.

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